Serenity (2022)


2022- Work in Progress - Available through upcoming auction

This dreamy forest creature is my latest porcelain doll, Serenity, made for the upcoming annual doll auction. I realize now that I made her as a self-soothing response to overwhelming anxiety about our troubling times. Making her helped me feel a measure of tranquility, so I called her Serenity.

I sacrificed one of my favourite, softest scarves to make her this gauzy robe, as it had the texture and gradient I wanted. I made the delicate little clasp from solid 14k gold, to add an extravagant touch to the elegant simplicity of the frock.

Forest Bathing, also known as Forest Therapy or Shinrin-yoku, is an old Japanese wellness practice of spending time in a forest, to restore mental and physical health. Turns out there is a tangible scientific reason why being in nature makes us feel so good. That reason, is the exposure to a plant chemical called Phytoncide, which is the tree’s immune system! Inhaling these anti-microbial volatile organic compounds improves human immune function. Tree’s immune system heals OUR immune system! Now I know why I love being in forests! It’s Tree Medicine! 😲

I wanted to capture images of her that similarly made me feel calm, so I focused on my two favourite stress-managing activities of Forest Bathing and Onsen Therapy. Both are ancient wellness practices found in different cultures. I hope that looking at these pics will bring you a moment of serenity as well.


Onsen means “Hot Spring” in Japanese. It’s a two thousand year old wellness culture of bathhouses, communal soaking, leisure, socializing and hydrotherapy, all built around Japan’s volcanic geothermal springs. These springs often contain large amounts of dissolved minerals, making them medically therapeutic as well as relaxing!