Enchanted Doll - Marina Bychkova

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Women are not State Property Incubators

Women are not State Property Incubators! The true test of freedom and liberty is allowing any person, regardless of their biological function or gender, to choose their own fate. Apparently the US Supreme Court disagrees, as it plans to outlaw abortion rights once again, and turn women back into reproductive slaves! I feel like I woke up in an episode of The Handmaid’s Tale! And I feel sick!

I’m in Canada, but I’m horrified and so, so upset to learn this news, that I spent my day shaking, crying and raging at MEN who seek to govern and legislate women’s bodies into submission and servitude. Then I remembered this doll I made 13 years ago, and it felt disturbingly pertinent to the current events in America.

When I made “State Property” back in 2009, I would never have believed that USA, the so-called “land of the free” would seek to outlaw women’s reproductive rights.
This doll was inspired by a book “At Women’s Expense: State Power and the Politics of Fetal Rights”, by Synthia R. Daniels. It explores the political aspects of pregnancy, especially how women’s rights to self-agency and reproductive freedom are infringed upon by enforcing the rights of unborn fetuses.

Reading this book made me wonder if in the eyes of the state, the legal rights of a man or even an unborn fetus are greater than those of a woman, due to her inherent ability to reproduce.

I think that a true test of freedom is allowing any person, regardless of their biological function or gender, to choose their own fate.