New Costumed Resin Doll Available


Where does the time go? One minute you're excitedly digging out your bathing suit and sun-dresses, and the next moment summer is almost over! I'm sorry I haven't been blogging more, too much time spent outside, and then when I am inside I'm furiously working on whatever has currently captured my attention. I hope everyone is enjoying the warm months and getting plenty of chances to explore the great outdoors.

On to dolls. I present, another little Echo sister in French Resin as a part of a promotion for the Chinese Enchanted Doll book, release by my publishers TXRiver! This Oriental beauty is another variation in my ongoing limited edition 'Echo' series, featuring a brand new hair ornament - a set of five tiny silver hair combs! I've been dreaming about making a lovely comb set for my future Enchanted dolls every since I read 'The Gift of the Magi' in my junior-high literature class. And now this Echo Sister is the first doll to be wearing them in her luscious hair. Woo! Another dream realized!

How do you buy this doll you ask?

The doll will be sold through my Chinese publishers TXRiver, and they are having a draw. Only those that order a book directly from them (  can enter the draw,  and the randomly selected participant will have the opportunity to buy. The doll is being sold for $5700 USD. The draw will occur when this edition of the book has been sold out, which I'm being told is almost upon us! (Still some left, but going fast!).

Take a look! You can order the book here: