Cover Girl - Enchanted Doll on the cover of Cinder


So, I think it's pretty cool that my doll Cinderella has been chosen to grace the Spanish language cover of the New York Times bestseller novel Cinder: The Lunar Chronicles, written by Marrissa Meyer.

I just don't know which cover I love more, the original English version or the Spanish one, featuring my work. They are both so pretty. The publishers requested to use my work for this title a few months ago, but due to the chaos of releasing my own book, I totally forgot about this one until a fan had recognized the image on the cover in Barcelona and written me recently.

The novel is a futuristic fiction about a cyborg girl from New Beijing who struggles to overcome her circumstances and discover her purpose in life. Although I haven't read it myself yet, it sounds like a pretty intriguing take on the traditional fairy tale. If any of you here have read this book already, I'd love to hear what you think about it.

I love the back cover too. I'm very pleased altogether.

Anyway, thought I'd share this little bit of news while I'm signing my own Enchanted Doll books and shipping them out. My wrist is so busted from the repetitive motion, that I now have to break up signing sessions into just a few dozen copies at a time and take long breaks. You will be receiving a confirmation email before your copy is mailed to you. If you haven't received a confirmation yet, don't panic, it just means your copy is still being prepared for shipping. Thanks for your patience everyone. You won't be sorry.