New doll-Beauty and the Beast.

bandbThis is what I've been up to lately: working on this new doll for the group show in London at the Show Studio gallery. The exhibition "In Wolf's Clothing" will open on September 9th and will run throughout the London fashion week and until the end of October.The gargoyle in the shot for composition purpose only. It doesn't come with the doll and I didn't make it. It's a bookend by Windstone, that I grabbed off my bookshelf as I roamed my place in search of fresh photo props. It worked out perfectly. I don't know why I never noticed it before. It's like it was waiting for this specific doll to be made to suddenly come to my attention.I'll post more pictures of her within a day or two. Too tired now. Must sleep. So much exciting stuff is happening this month.....You'll see.