New Doll for sale in upcoming show!


Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm thrilled to announce that I'll have a piece for sale at the 10th Year Anniversary show at Strychnin Gallery in Berlin, called 'All (My) Starts', opening the 16th of August 2013. This is a very special event that celebrates a very special gallery, and though I'm booked up to the gills, I couldn't turn down the request to participate. I even made a brand new head mold to unveil at this exhibition. Sleeping Beauty! This is She! (in progress)Gold crown set with Pearls and Amethysts. (in progress)And my new little home studio all set up for work! (also, in progress). You see, this doll celebrates not just one, but two special events, because she is the first doll to be completed here, in my new work space and my new home. She symbolizes beginnings of things.

"All my starts". August 16th. Strychnin Gallery. More pictures and info coming tomorrow.